
Web Objective

Mckeesurf.com has been created to give an insight into some of the creative works of one of the worlds most obscured sports related designer talents.

Some of Mckee’s concepts and products are already a way of life for many sports enthusiasts and associated industries alike.

What drives designer inventors to battle the inquisitions, endless obstacles and the negativity of the sceptics? Why improve on something when it is already adequate for the masses? Obsession or dedication? Financial reward and fame? Maybe the moral obligation to share with others the fruit of a creative mind? The answers are irrelevant when you realise that a designer inventor’s goals are usually far from selfish. Where often, witnessing smiling faces is the only reward. We hope you all can find some benefit from having visited this site… Enjoy

Tom Curren

3 Jewells

3 Jewells

Tom Carroll


SSS brochure

SSS Skiboard

Tom Curren

Tom Curren
